

Please do better to avoid a recycle forum

Dear my mates,

First time i'm behalf for all members in our forum to say thank to all you for your contributed, your comments, your documents for everything you have done with our forum.

We just want to be together with all you to create a good forum to share for everybody. So we always to do with the best our power for you even though little things.

But last time i'm so angry when i saw many topics from some members. I can not understand what they are doing. It seems they want to post to get the credits and they don't care about everybody.

It seems that you just want to post and they never see their documents.

Example: Please see below. There is a member. He posts many documents.

- The title is not clear.
- The contents don't have
- The credits are put high. I can not believe with this document he put 300 credits.

I have banned this case three days.

I'm behalf for all members on our forum. I inform to all you that. We will ban you nick if anybody in administrators see these cases:

1/ You are spammer.

2/ The topic is not clear.

- The title must be clear
- If you want to put the credits for your post. You must describe your topic by contents or by photos.
- The credits must fit. You can not put high credit for bad topic and you can not put low credits for good topic.

You can try to think that if you wan to download something but you can not know clear about thing you want to download. They will be uncomfortable while they could be lost their credits.

See more in here

Please do better. Please build our forum. Thank you so much.
