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You know with all the machinery and what not give the guy has a tremendous power when it comes to his punch and a measure that and the strength pounds from his boots yeah is but is but is the one that from you produces the more kinetic energy get transfer to the whole body and he has a tremendously I'll powerful 'me powerful it with his right hand accounts from his Nitro Focus NO3 butt either way so complete body is the way to go another question for a German his nickname is York numbers my is only 15 quite young I is asking me what supplements do I recommend for hims my friend that's why I recommend for you do not take any supplements since you are 15 you're too young for that your body will be submerged quite soon with growth hormone and also this boss wrong trust me you'll feel it you will know it and you might as well serve naturally on that national wave of growth hormone testosterone advantage or all you need is a regular food do not eat jump was alright my question for mister third breath on after we did ask your question sir so along with.