

VAG - TPI and how to work, Labels collection

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VAG - TPI and how to work, Labels collection

From version to version, label files (these are the ones that are responsible for decoding the block in pancake coding) are not only updated and added, but also disappear.
Here are collected label files from different versions of "Vasya Diagnost". Files added with new versions replaced.

TPI - Technical Problem Information
These white papers contain information about known manufacturer problems and how to fix them. It also contains information about the current software versions for specific block models. Most of the recordings are in Russian, English, German, Czech. Most of the files are taken from the ELSA.

How to work with TPI
  1. Need Total Commander or another file manager
  2. Go to the "SRC" directory
  3. Select "file search" in the toolbar
  4. In the "with text" column, enter the SW-number (to search for firmware) of the block without spaces (or HW-block number, if we are looking for other information about technical faults). You can also check the boxes for text encodings
  5. The information is contained in the files "master.htm", which can be opened with a regular browser


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