

Navistar ServiceMaxx Pro J1939 v44.24 Engine Diagnostic Tool

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Navistar ServiceMaxx Pro J1939 v44.24 Engine Diagnostic Software
Size: 270 MB (Winrar Files)
Type of software: Diagnostic Software
Database + Interface Language: Only English
Brand: Navistar
Region: WorldWide
Amount of Disks: 1 DVD
OS: Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8/8.1 32 bit, Windows 8/8.1 64 bit, Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 10 64 bit (Tested on window 10 pro 1607 64bit)
Version: v44.24
High-Speed Link Download
Password: ServiceMaxxAutorepair

This is a Engine Electronic Control System Diagnostic Tool.

Engine Auto-Detection:

- The Calibration ID is used to detect the engine at Key On, Engine Off or Engine Run. If engine is NOT detected, Select it from the popup Engine selection window. Selecting the wrong engine will display incorrect data.

Connection (Sniffer)

- Displays all electronic control modules on the vehicle datalink, but only communicate with the Engine, Aftertreatment and SART Modules.

Supported Engines:

North America

- MaxxForce 5 (2007 - 2009)

- MaxxForce 7 (2007 - 2009)

- MaxxForce 7 (2010 - 2012)

- MaxxForce 7 (2013 - )

- MaxxForce DT, 9 & 10 (2007 - 2009)

- MaxxForce DT, 9 & 10 (2010 - 2012)

- MaxxForce DT, 9 & 10 (2013)

- MaxxForce 11/13 (2008 - 2009)

- MaxxForce 11/13 (2010 - 2012)

- MaxxForce 11/13 (2013 – 2013.5)

- MaxxForce 15 (2010 - 2013)

SCR Engines

- N9/N10 SCR (2014 - )

- N13 SCR (2013 – 2014)

- N13 SCR (2015 - )

Supported Engineering Access Engines:

North America

- B786: N13 (2017 - )

Military Engines

- Mil13: MaxxForce 12.4D

CAT Engines:

- CT11: CAT CT11/13 (2010-12)

- CT764: CAT CT13 (2013)

- CT15: CAT CT15

- CT718: CAT CT13 SCR (2013-2014)

- CT745: CAT CT13 SCR (2015 - )

Global Engines:

- I341: DLCII I6 Export (2007 - )

- I716: N13 (Euro V)

- MWM: MaxxForce 3.0H (Euro III – P418V50)

- MWM: MaxxForce 7.2/4.8 H (Euro III – P625V13)

- MWM: MaxxForce 7.2/4.8 H (Euro IV – P800V24)

- MWM: MaxxForce 7.2/4.8 H (Euro IV – P800V32)

- MWM: MaxxForce 7.2/4.8 H (Euro V – P1090V52)

- MWM: MaxxForce 3.2 H (Euro III)

- MWM: MaxxForce 3.2 H (Euro IV)

- MWM: MaxxForce 3.2 H (Euro V)

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