

International Diamons Logic Builder [12.2017]

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International Diamons Logic Builder [12.2017]
Version: 15601
Database Version: 271
Database Last Modified: Dec 16, 2017
Pass: IDLB122017

Diamond Logic® Builder (DLB) provides high performance diagnostics for the electrical systems on high performance International trucks and IC Buses. DLB Fleet displays vehicle signals in graphical and text format. This software also reads and displays vehicle diagnostic trouble codes as well as vehicle features and parameters.
Minimum Requirements
150MB of free hard disk space
Recommended Requirements
Pentium 4 class process with a minimum 1 GHz of speed
512 MB of RAM
150MB of free hard disk space
Operating System of Windows® 7 or Vista
One or more RP1210A compatible communication devices
Any type of high speed Internet connection
NOTE: The new version of DLB runs on Windows 10. The old version of DLB that was previously sold on CD and is a non-updating version will not run on Windows 10. If you still have the old version we highly recommend that you purchase the new license to the latest version of DLB for it to work properly on Windows 10.
Recommended Adapters
NEXIQ™ Technologies – USB-Link2
Dearborn Group Technologies – DPA 5
Noregon® Systems, Inc. – DLA+, DLA+ Wireless
Communication Link Drivers
DLB uses standard RP1210A drivers for communication.
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