James Rodrigues


JCB SISU Power WinEEM4 Service Tool 2.7.2 Diagnostic Software

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JCB SISU Power WinEEM4 Service Tool 2.7.2 Diagnostic Software
Size: 137MB (Winrar Files)
Database + Interface Languages: Only English
Type of software: Diagnostic software for JCB construction, agricultural machines, and engines
OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 32 & 64bit (Tested on Windows 10 pro-1607 64bit)
Version: 2.72
Instruction: Present
Supporter: Present
After download send to email "autorepairmanuals.ws@gmail.com, admin@autorepairmanuals.ws" to get the password

Release Notes:

# WinEEM4 Service Tool Release Notes #

# WinEEM4 2.7.2 Release Notes #

[NEW] Added new hardware configuration for Stage V SW version >= 6.0.0 and related version of active error description.

# WinEEM4 2.7.1 Release Notes #

[FIX] Fixed flashing data transmission failure handling when using RP1210 connection.

# WinEEM4 2.7 Release Notes #

[NEW] Added 'Marker' measurable that can be used to mark interesting parts when recording data. 'Marker' value can be adjusted using ALT+NUM. E.g. ALT+5 to set value to 5.
[NEW] Sensor values are highlighted on 'Aftertreatment process' view when mouse is pointed on sensor.
[NEW] Enabled DPF delta pressure sensor offset and exhaust back pressure sensor offset resetting in 'Service information' view.

[CHANGE] Removed 'Exhaust manifold pressure (P3)' from service tool 'Airsystem process' view.
[CHANGE] Improved test descriptions in engine test warning pages.

[FIX] Fixed issue related to checking "Oil pressure lamp off" actuator test availability causing oil pressure lamp to blink.

# WinEEM4 2.6.1 Release Notes #

[FIX] Fixed 'High' and 'Low' titles in 'NOx sensor test'.
[FIX] Fixed issues in oscilloscope channel search.
[FIX] Updated troubleshoot to version 2.0.12.

# WinEEM4 2.6 Release Notes #

[NEW] Added warning/confirmation dialog 'Do not use this function if you do not change the catalyst' to catalyst exchange function.
[NEW] Added 'Remaining low idle time' to Stage V 'Engine status' view.
[NEW] Added notification about unsupported diagnostic protocol if UDS is detected.
[NEW] Added remaining field testing time to 'Service information' view.
[NEW] Added 'Temperature sensor test'.
[NEW] Added possibility to save oscilloscope channel setups to tool settings. User can also export/import channel setups to/from external files.

[CHANGE] Changed tool to inform user in case ECU becomes locked during security access due to wrong hardware config.
[CHANGE] Changed 'Air mass flow' to show 'calculated' instead of sensor value in 'DPF regeneration' and 'SCR catalyst cleanup' views. Works better for configs without air mass sensor.
[CHANGE] Changed service tool not to show engine test warning page if user navigates to engine test that is already running.

[FIX] Fixed rendering issues for oscilloscope and recording viewer.
[FIX] Updated active error descriptions.
[FIX] Updated troubleshoot to version 2.0.11.
[FIX] Fixed 'EGR valve' to be visible in 'Air system actuator test' view for setup 'Single turbo + EGR'.

# WinEEM4 2.5.1 Release Notes #

[FIX] Fixed tool crash caused by configuration file containing incompatible settings.

# WinEEM4 2.5 Release Notes #

[NEW] Changed oscilloscope to always record all channels.
[NEW] Added auto-sweep mode to airsystem actuator tests.
[NEW] 'F5' key can now be used to refresh diagnostic views (logs, profiles, etc).
[NEW] Added digital outputs to 'Engine status' view.
[NEW] Added Stage V troubleshoot.
[NEW] Added 'NOx sensor test' view.
[NEW] Log files contain now encypted content for engineering purposes
[NEW] Added 'DPF delta pressure' and 'Exhaust back pressure' to 'DPF regeneration' view and log.
[NEW] Added new 'Engine shutdown' log reason, 'DPF protection in long idle'

[CHANGE] Changed 'DPF regeneration' to handle new regeneration state 'Engine heat-up' correctly.
[CHANGE] Moved all temperatures into 'Temperatures' group in 'DPF regeneration' and 'SCR catalyst cleanup' view.
[CHANGE] Added 'Coolant temperature' to chart visualizing temperatures in 'DPF regeneration' view.

[FIX] Fixed 'Service information' view not to allow setting too big value for engine hours.
[FIX] Fixed SCR catalyst temperature sensor indicators on 4I 'Aftertreatment process' view.
[FIX] Fixed tool to remember all connection settings but CAN baud rate.
[FIX] Changed recording to prevent display to turn off.
[FIX] Fixed oscilloscope not drawing all channels when ECU changed.
[FIX] Bug fixes and performance improvements.

# WinEEM4 2.4.2 Release Notes #

[FIX] Fixed random deadlock causing 'Active errors' view to freeze when 'Clear' button is clicked.

# WinEEM4 2.4.1 Release Notes #

[NEW] Added configuration 'Stage 5 - Dual Turbo B' to 'Airsystem Process' view.

[FIX] Fixed 'Airsystem actuator tests' view to update actuator actual value when user navigates away and back to the view.
[FIX] Bug fixes and performance improvements.

# WinEEM4 2.4 Release Notes #

[NEW] Added dr3 output support for recording export (trim recording).
[NEW] Added partial export of recording from oscilloscope (visible time range is exported).
[NEW] Added channel name based filtering option to oscilloscope active channels list.
[NEW] Added partial export option (user defined export start time and duration) to 'Export recording' dialog.
[NEW] Updated Stage V error codes.

[CHANGE] Removed value rounding from recording export(s).
[CHANGE] Changes to value rounding in oscilloscope and measurement views.
[CHANGE] Removed obsolete 'Sisu version' from 'Connection info' view, measurement export dialog and exported files.
[CHANGE] Set 'Automatic run' as default in 'Cylinder cut-out' and 'Engine run-up' tests.
[CHANGE] Disabled adding and removing channels to measurement while recording is in progress.

[FIX] Fixed timer interval issue causing e.g. cumulative deviation in recording time stamps.
[FIX] Fixed 'Ignition key state' measurement channel interpretation.
[FIX] Bug fixes and performance improvements.

# WinEEM4 2.3.2 Release Notes #

[NEW] Added 'Trigger wheel offset' to Stage 5 measurements.

[CHANGE] Changed 'DPF regeneration' view to show and log absolute boost pressure instead of relative value.
[CHANGE] Changed 'SCR catalyst cleanup' view show and log both relative and absolute boost pressure.

[FIX] Fixed issue causing tool not to remember connection settings when tool is restarted.
[FIX] Fixed issue causing 'DPF regeneration' and 'SCR catalyst cleanup' execution state not update correctly
if user navigates to some other view when operation has not finished.
[FIX] Bug fixes and performance improvements.

# WinEEM4 2.3.1 Release Notes #

[FIX] Fixed issues causing Stage 3B/4I 'Aftertreatment process' view not to show several heater statuses correctly.

# WinEEM4 2.3 Release Notes #

[NEW] Added 'Override engine state Normal' to Stage 5 'Engine status view'.
[NEW] Added 'DEF tank heater test'.
[NEW] Added 'Wiggle wire test' to engine tests.
[NEW] Added SCR catalyst cleanup log file writing.
[NEW] Added DPF regeneration log file writing.
[NEW] Added upstream and downstream NOx concentrations to 'DPF regeneration' view.
[NEW] Added 'Catalyst Exchange' feature.
[NEW] Added sulfur load to 'Service information' view 'SCR model' group.

[CHANGE] Restyled all engine test views.
[CHANGE] Redirected Stage 5 troubleshoot requests temporarily to Stage 4F troubleshoot.
[CHANGE] Enabled log saving after test aborted/timeout for following tests:
'DPF regeneration', 'SCR dosing quantity test', 'SCR system emptying test' & 'SCR catalyst cleanup'.
[CHANGE] Removed 'SCR temp. control mode' data from Stage 5 'Airsystem process' view and measurements.
[CHANGE] Removed several modeled values from 'Aftertreatment process' view.

[FIX] Fixed headers in 'DEF Dosing Rate Test' log file to show correct units for values.
[FIX] Fixed CAN message tracer issue possibly causing tool crash when message view was cleared.
[FIX] Fixed oscilloscope crash on opening recording (decimals in oscilloscope Y-Axis range setting).
[FIX] Fixed all diagnostics log views to provide 'Erase' button instead of 'Reset' button.
[FIX] Bug fixes and performance improvements.

# WinEEM4 2.2.1 Release Notes #

[NEW] Updated Stage V error codes and snapshot configurations.

[CHANGE] Changed Stage V 'Airsystem process' view to show EGR rate as percentual value.

[FIX] Fixed oscilloscope zooming (Ctrl + mouse left button).
[FIX] Several fixes to setting and fetching IQA codes.
[FIX] Fixed tool to send pending injector calibration reports to EEMService.com.
[FIX] Tier 4i 'Aftertreatment process' view shows SCR catalyst temperatures correctly.
[FIX] Bug fixes and performance improvements.

# WinEEM4 2.2 Release Notes #

[NEW] Added 'DPF regeneration' page.
[NEW] Added 'Save Logs' -button to navigation bar in dev- and s-tool.
[NEW] Added chart viewing EAT temperatures to 'SCR catalyst cleanup' view.
[NEW] Added engine test execution result (Completed, Cancelled, Failed etc.) to all engine test views.
[NEW] Updated Stage V fault code descriptions.
[NEW] Fixed 'Calculated air mass flow' to be shown always in 'Airsystem process' page, also for setups with no EGR.

[CHANGE] Changed ordering of diagnostic logs in 'All Logs' file
[CHANGE] Changed tool to support changed logs

[FIX] Bug fixes and performance improvements

# WinEEM4 2.1.2 Release Notes #

[FIX] Bug fixes and performance improvements

# WinEEM4 2.1 Release Notes #

[NEW] Stage V support (error codes, logs, profiles, process views and measurements)

[NEW] Connect dialog now can be opened by pressing status bar CAN bus part.

[CHANGE] Service tool can be started even if there is no valid CAN adapter connected.
[CHANGE] Dialog on successful set of specification mismatch override now has actual remaining override time instead of possible maximum.
[CHANGE] Unified pressure units to kilo Pascals.
[CHANGE] Renamed 'SCR Process' to 'Aftertreatment Process'.
[CHANGE] Tests and logs reorganized in categories in service tool.

[FIX] Bug fixes and performance improvements
[FIX] 'Engine status' view 'Oil pressure' specifier from Abs to Rel.

# WinEEM4 1.25 Release Notes #

[NEW] EEMService.com support.

[NEW] Added support for catalyst cleanup process timeout.

[NEW] Instruct operating system to not go to sleep while any operation or measurement recording
is active.

[CHANGE] Hide DEF tank heater test view from service tool since current implementation
in ECU may cause DEF injector damage.

[CHANGE] Engine status degradation lamps no longer have yellow state option.

# WinEEM4 1.24.3 Release Notes #

[NEW] Added EFS message fuel prefilter pressure to 4I channel set
and renamed it to match corresponding engine status label.

[NEW] Added DEF profile.

[NEW] Engine serial is now added to log file names even when it is invalid.
Replacement value is only used if serial number is not set.

[FIX] Saving all logs failed when not all possible profile logs were not available in
ECU software.

[FIX] Parse SAE standard error values correctly when value is vendor defined.

[FIX] Hardware auto configuration was not done on ECU change when new ECU was
connected before tool dropped internal state.

[FIX] Service information 'Rail Extended Limp Home Time' time value is now interpreted
correctly from ECU.

[FIX] Fix seed&key algorithm loading logic. Relative paths to algorithm libraries
caused DLLs not to load correctly in Windows XP.

[FIX] Fix oscilloscope cursor issue in case where channel value is stable.

[FIX] Fix oscilloscope cursor initial color to match with channel color.

# WinEEM4 1.24 Release Notes #

[NEW] Updated engine types in connection dialog.

[NEW] Updated 4F error codes.

[NEW] Added default file name for all log saves, including 'all logs' save.

[NEW] Added units to log file profile tables.

[NEW] Added absolute fuel pressure into engine status view.

[NEW] Added oscilloscope channel management functionalities

[NEW] Added emission number to system information page.

[NEW] Added EAT degradation level to Engine status view.

[NEW] Added separate actuator test view for SCR tank heater.

[NEW] Catalyst cleanup now displays cooldown state during execution.

[NEW] Added fuel pre-filter pressure value into engine status view.

[CHANGE] Changed start motor actuator test text to more exlicit form.
"Starter Motor (engine will not start)"

[CHANGE] Added abs/rel information to engine status pressure value labels.

[CHANGE] Coolant temperature, visco fan and DEF tank level tests no longer
deactivates when leaving view.

[CHANGE] Timeouted measured value is now set to N/A.

[CHANGE] Renamed 'Urea Reverting Valve Control' actuator test to 'DEF Reverting
Valve Control'.

[CHANGE] Actuator test view is no longer a modal dialog. Is normal engine test
view instead.

[CHANGE] Reorganize Service tool oscilloscope predefined channel sets.

[CHANGE] Sort logs by default by engine hours value where available.

[FIX] Performance and usability fixes

[FIX] Delivery rate test result was mixed bitween 'first pcv react' and 'pressure
condition violation'.

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