Bobcat Service Analyzer V82.11 [12.2014]
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Bobcat Service Analyzer V82.11 [12.2014]
Service Analyzer V82.11 - 19 Dec, 2014
1. New fuel level sensor tables to support
new undercarriage on the T550.
- T550H***B: AJZV14000+
2. New Toolcat Drive Software (V4.4)
- Increase pump calibration tolerances to
eliminate nuisance calibration failures on
older machines.
Service Analyzer V82.10 - 9 Dec, 2014
1. Fix for S70 machines with controller PN: 6693353
not being able to be updated.
2. Change to improve lift down speed on the
following machines:
- S650H***B: ALJ811001+
- S650H***C: S1ML11001+
- S650H**EB: B2LA11001+
- T650H***B: ALJG11001+
- T650H***C: T1ML11001+
- T650H**EB: B2KZ11001+
Service Analyzer V82.9 - 13 Nov, 2014
1. New Toolcat Display Software (V4.2)
Corrects work mode and traction control
activation issues introduced in the V82.4
release for the following models:
- 5600T***D: A0W111001+
- 5610T***D: A7Y711001+
- 5600T***F: A94Y11001+
- 5610T***F: APFB11001+
2. Drive Software (V11.3)
Update parameters to match published specifications
for S450, T110 and S100 models
3. Drive+ Software (V10.2)
Update control parameters to prevent momentary
steering overshoot on A770 models when operating
at less than high idle.
4. New telehandler Drive (V3.50), Workgroup (V3.50),
and Gateway (V3.50) software. Supports the following
new models:
- T35105
- T35130
- T35140
- T36120
5. MX Secondary Software (V1.2) and MX Deluxe Display
Software (V1.5). Adds support for Depth Check
Service Analyzer V82.8 - 9 Oct, 2014
1. New M-Series Deluxe Panel Software (V6.0)
a. Support for Bobcat D34 engine release.
b. Updated fault codes for D24 engines.
2. Disabled High Flow option for the following
excavator models:
- E19*A**M: B3LB11001+
- E19*A*EM: AWMM11001+
- E19*G**M: B3LA11001+
- E20*A*EM: AWRH11001+
- E20*G**M: B3BL11001+
3. Support added for the following machines:
- T590H**EB: B37811001+
Service Analyzer V82.7 - 8 August, 2014
1. New excavator Gateway software (V2.2)
a. Support added for the following excavator models:
- E17*A*EM: B27H11001+
- E19*A**M: B3LB11001+
- E19*A*EM: AWMM11001+
- E19*G**M: B3LA11001+
- E20*A*EM: AWRH11001+
- E20*G**M: B3BL11001+
Service Analyzer V82.6 - 23 July, 2014
1. New Telescopic Workgroup software (V3.45)
a. Fixes issue with rear auxiliary not working
on machines without power quick-tach.
Affects the following models
- TL470,
- TL470HF,
- TL360
2. Support added for S450D*DAA (S/N: B1E611001+)
3. Change to turn off traction pull relay on
T110 model loaders. Relay is not used on this
model of machine. Affects the following S/N:
- T110****A: A2GP11001+
- T110***EA: A2GR11001+
- T110E**EA: AE0H11001+
- T110E***B: AE0J11001+
Service Analyzer V82.5 - 26 June, 2014
1. Support added for new Austrailian Telescopic
- MF9407
- MF9407S
Service Analyzer V82.4 - 20 June, 2014
1. Service Analyzer
a. Update to stolen machines list.
2. New Telescopic Gateway (V3.46) & Workgroup (V3.40)
a. Support added for 300kg manbasket.
b. "STOP" is displayed on panel when emergency stop
button is pushed.
3. New Toolcat Drive Software (V4.3)
a. Fix for nuisance 50-56 error code on early D-Series
machines using display panel part number 6691154
or 6691155.
Service Analyzer V82.3 - 27 Mar, 2014
1. New Telescopic Gateway (V3.40)
a. Fixes issue with machine locking when keyless
keypad is not installed. Issue was introduced
in Service Analyzer V82.2. Affects the following
- T40140,
- T40180,
- TL470,
- TL470HF,
- TL360
Service Analyzer V82.2 - 19 Mar, 2014
1. New Telescopic Gateway (V3.22) & Workgroup (V3.21)
a. Support added for winch on the following machines:
- T40140
- T40180
b. Support added for keyless start keypad option on
the following machines:
- T40140,
- T40180,
- TL470,
- TL470HF
- TL360.
c. Manbasket fix that resolve issue where workgroup
would be disabled at key on due to not reading
the interlocking pin state correctly.
2. THL control option (Europe) added for the S450 and T450.
3. New Throttle Controller Software (V1.6)
a. Added support for Eco Mode on the following excavator
models having new instrumentation:
- E25*A*EM
- E26*A*EM
- E26*E**M
- E26*G**M
Service Analyzer V82.1 – 12 Feb, 2014
1. Support added for secondary controller on the following
excavator models:
- E32*G**M - AUYJ11001+
- E35*G**M - AUYM11001+
2. New Telescopic Gateway (V3.2), Drive (V3.2),
Workgroup (V3.2) & Attachments (V1.0) software.
a. Introduction of Manbasket attachments for T40140 & T40180:
- Manbasket 1m: B38G
- Manbasket 4m 800kg: B35R
b. Change start of workgroup movements (smoother) for HF
TL470 & MF9407S
Service Analyzer V82.0 - 3 Feb 2014
1. Support added for the following loader models:
- S630H***B - AHGL11001+
- S630H**EB - B2L511001+
- S650***EA - A3NW80000+
- S650H***B - ALJ811001+
- S650H**EB - B2LA11001+
- S650H***C - S1ML11001+
- T630H***B - AJDT11001+
- T650***EA - A3P180000+
- T650H***B - ALJG11001+
- T650H**EB - B2kZ11001+
- T650H***C - T1ML11001+
2. Support added for new instrumentation on the
following compact excavator models:
- E25*A*EM
- E26*A*EM
- E26*E**M
- E26*G**M
3. New Toolcat Drive Software (V4.02)
a. Improved performance in icy conditions for
machines equipped with traction control.
4. New Loader Drive Software (V11.2)
a. Support added for T450.
Service Analyzer V82.11 - 19 Dec, 2014
1. New fuel level sensor tables to support
new undercarriage on the T550.
- T550H***B: AJZV14000+
2. New Toolcat Drive Software (V4.4)
- Increase pump calibration tolerances to
eliminate nuisance calibration failures on
older machines.
Service Analyzer V82.10 - 9 Dec, 2014
1. Fix for S70 machines with controller PN: 6693353
not being able to be updated.
2. Change to improve lift down speed on the
following machines:
- S650H***B: ALJ811001+
- S650H***C: S1ML11001+
- S650H**EB: B2LA11001+
- T650H***B: ALJG11001+
- T650H***C: T1ML11001+
- T650H**EB: B2KZ11001+
Service Analyzer V82.9 - 13 Nov, 2014
1. New Toolcat Display Software (V4.2)
Corrects work mode and traction control
activation issues introduced in the V82.4
release for the following models:
- 5600T***D: A0W111001+
- 5610T***D: A7Y711001+
- 5600T***F: A94Y11001+
- 5610T***F: APFB11001+
2. Drive Software (V11.3)
Update parameters to match published specifications
for S450, T110 and S100 models
3. Drive+ Software (V10.2)
Update control parameters to prevent momentary
steering overshoot on A770 models when operating
at less than high idle.
4. New telehandler Drive (V3.50), Workgroup (V3.50),
and Gateway (V3.50) software. Supports the following
new models:
- T35105
- T35130
- T35140
- T36120
5. MX Secondary Software (V1.2) and MX Deluxe Display
Software (V1.5). Adds support for Depth Check
Service Analyzer V82.8 - 9 Oct, 2014
1. New M-Series Deluxe Panel Software (V6.0)
a. Support for Bobcat D34 engine release.
b. Updated fault codes for D24 engines.
2. Disabled High Flow option for the following
excavator models:
- E19*A**M: B3LB11001+
- E19*A*EM: AWMM11001+
- E19*G**M: B3LA11001+
- E20*A*EM: AWRH11001+
- E20*G**M: B3BL11001+
3. Support added for the following machines:
- T590H**EB: B37811001+
Service Analyzer V82.7 - 8 August, 2014
1. New excavator Gateway software (V2.2)
a. Support added for the following excavator models:
- E17*A*EM: B27H11001+
- E19*A**M: B3LB11001+
- E19*A*EM: AWMM11001+
- E19*G**M: B3LA11001+
- E20*A*EM: AWRH11001+
- E20*G**M: B3BL11001+
Service Analyzer V82.6 - 23 July, 2014
1. New Telescopic Workgroup software (V3.45)
a. Fixes issue with rear auxiliary not working
on machines without power quick-tach.
Affects the following models
- TL470,
- TL470HF,
- TL360
2. Support added for S450D*DAA (S/N: B1E611001+)
3. Change to turn off traction pull relay on
T110 model loaders. Relay is not used on this
model of machine. Affects the following S/N:
- T110****A: A2GP11001+
- T110***EA: A2GR11001+
- T110E**EA: AE0H11001+
- T110E***B: AE0J11001+
Service Analyzer V82.5 - 26 June, 2014
1. Support added for new Austrailian Telescopic
- MF9407
- MF9407S
Service Analyzer V82.4 - 20 June, 2014
1. Service Analyzer
a. Update to stolen machines list.
2. New Telescopic Gateway (V3.46) & Workgroup (V3.40)
a. Support added for 300kg manbasket.
b. "STOP" is displayed on panel when emergency stop
button is pushed.
3. New Toolcat Drive Software (V4.3)
a. Fix for nuisance 50-56 error code on early D-Series
machines using display panel part number 6691154
or 6691155.
Service Analyzer V82.3 - 27 Mar, 2014
1. New Telescopic Gateway (V3.40)
a. Fixes issue with machine locking when keyless
keypad is not installed. Issue was introduced
in Service Analyzer V82.2. Affects the following
- T40140,
- T40180,
- TL470,
- TL470HF,
- TL360
Service Analyzer V82.2 - 19 Mar, 2014
1. New Telescopic Gateway (V3.22) & Workgroup (V3.21)
a. Support added for winch on the following machines:
- T40140
- T40180
b. Support added for keyless start keypad option on
the following machines:
- T40140,
- T40180,
- TL470,
- TL470HF
- TL360.
c. Manbasket fix that resolve issue where workgroup
would be disabled at key on due to not reading
the interlocking pin state correctly.
2. THL control option (Europe) added for the S450 and T450.
3. New Throttle Controller Software (V1.6)
a. Added support for Eco Mode on the following excavator
models having new instrumentation:
- E25*A*EM
- E26*A*EM
- E26*E**M
- E26*G**M
Service Analyzer V82.1 – 12 Feb, 2014
1. Support added for secondary controller on the following
excavator models:
- E32*G**M - AUYJ11001+
- E35*G**M - AUYM11001+
2. New Telescopic Gateway (V3.2), Drive (V3.2),
Workgroup (V3.2) & Attachments (V1.0) software.
a. Introduction of Manbasket attachments for T40140 & T40180:
- Manbasket 1m: B38G
- Manbasket 4m 800kg: B35R
b. Change start of workgroup movements (smoother) for HF
TL470 & MF9407S
Service Analyzer V82.0 - 3 Feb 2014
1. Support added for the following loader models:
- S630H***B - AHGL11001+
- S630H**EB - B2L511001+
- S650***EA - A3NW80000+
- S650H***B - ALJ811001+
- S650H**EB - B2LA11001+
- S650H***C - S1ML11001+
- T630H***B - AJDT11001+
- T650***EA - A3P180000+
- T650H***B - ALJG11001+
- T650H**EB - B2kZ11001+
- T650H***C - T1ML11001+
2. Support added for new instrumentation on the
following compact excavator models:
- E25*A*EM
- E26*A*EM
- E26*E**M
- E26*G**M
3. New Toolcat Drive Software (V4.02)
a. Improved performance in icy conditions for
machines equipped with traction control.
4. New Loader Drive Software (V11.2)
a. Support added for T450.
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