1. E

    Delphi/AuTocom 2013.2 with update 1 [Activation, CDP, CDP+,ADP186,SDP]

    I do not really know what to say. I do not really know how to say it. Four months fighting with a very, very bad seller, who has not given any support (I do not indicate his name because I do not know if it’s out from this forum rules) Thank you very much!!! , at least everything is working.
  2. E

    Delphi/AuTocom 2013.2 with update 1 [Activation, CDP, CDP+,ADP186,SDP]

    File activation Could you be so kind of activating my file. Thanking in advance your invaluable help. software 2013.2 Delphi.exe cars a-710-142 = cdp+ (ds150e new vci) hardware key:FSBQQJWHDCWA trucks a-710-210 = cdp+ (ds150e new vci) hardwrre key:HYSOGTLPCOVA sn:100251