

Truckcomm User Guide

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Truckcomm User Guide

Toyota Truckcomm

User Guide
Table of Contents:


Connecting to truck………………………………………………...4

Updating truck software……………………………………………5

Using the diagnostic screen…………………………………….…7

Setting parameters……………………………………………….…8

Extracting truck information………………………………………..9


The Toyota Truckcomm software program is designed to work with only Toyota branded Class III products. Currently, these models include the 6HBW23, 6BWS10-13, 7HBW23, 7BWS10-13, 8HBW30, 8HBC30-40, 8HBE30-40, and 8TB50. The simple way to remember this is to look at the handle. If it is a Toyota and has a display similar to the one shown in figure 1 below, then Truckcomm can be used on this truck. This Truckcomm program can be used to update the software version on a truck, change some parameters, and observe handle inputs. It can also be used to view error code history. In order to connect your computer to a truck, use the CAN PC Interface (00590-47758-71, figure 2) and the communication cable (00590-42684-71, figure 3).
Connecting to truck:
When the Truckcomm program is initially opened, the screen will look like the picture below. To begin communicating with the truck, click on the node box on the left (highlighted in orange below).

When connection is successful, then all eight icons should be colorized. In following sections, instructions will begin from this point.
Updating truck software:

The Toyota Truckcomm program can be used to update the software in a truck when needed. Truck software files that were current at the time of the Truckcomm release are already stored on your computer as part of the initial download. Later updates to truck software are added to the “download” page of the Toyota Information System website. These files need to be saved in a folder that is easy to find. They cannot be opened and read by the user, however, they are used by Truckcomm to load the updates into the truck. Use the following steps to update truck software using Truckcomm.

1.Click on the “microchip” icon. A window will appear as shown below.
2.Click on the “Open” button to begin looking for the appropriate software file.
3.A window will appear with a drop box that allows searching for files.
4.When the appropriate file folder has been located, open the “.tc2” file.
5.When the “.tc2” file has been opened, the screen will look like the picture below. The “Name:” field should now be filled in. Click the “Start” button to begin loading the software update into the truck. Follow the instructions in the gray box at the bottom of the window to complete the software update.

Using the diagnostic screen:

The diagnostic screen can be used to observe onboard truck functions such as switch and throttle inputs. Each of the circles in the diagnostics window represents a switch. When a circle turns green, this indicates that this switch activated. The switch designations change for each model (i.e. Tuggers do not have a bellybutton, but do have a rabbit button). This screen can be observed to check that all switches are functioning normally and to observe what level battery voltage the ETAC card is reading.

Setting parameters:

The Toyota Truckcomm program can be used to set truck parameters. Once the parameter function of the program is opened, the parameters are separated into three groups. These groups are: Driver specific parameters, Overall truck operation parameters, and hourmeter related parameters. Once these parameters have been changed, simply clicking on the “Close” button will save these changes to the truck.

1.Click on the “wrench” icon to open the parameter function
2.Select from the “Driver”, “Truck”, or “Time” group of parameters
3.When parameter changes are completed, click on the “Close” button to save changes and exit the parameter function.

Extracting truck information:

The Toyota Truckcomm program can be used to observe information stored in the ETAC card such as error code history, current parameter settings, and current truck software version.
1.Click on box next to “Main Controller” to expose/hide the controller menu.
2.Click on “Software” to show the current software installed in the truck.
3.Click on “Error Log” to display the last 50 error codes stored in history.
4.Click on “Parameters” to display the current parameter settings. It will be necessary to scroll down to view all the parameters.