

ETKA 8.2 Electronic Parts Catalogue VMware [MULTILINGUAL]

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ETKA 8.2 Electronic Parts Catalogue VMware [MULTILINGUAL]
Size packed: 16 GB extracted 36 GB
Last update 08.04.2020.
This is a full VMware [virtual machine] version of the Original VW/SEAT/SKODA/AUDI Electronic Parts Catalogue including the latest updates
from 8th of april 2020, which you can use on every Windows 7/8/10 32Bit/64Bit System.
This is a modified ETKA 8.2 version by XTR3M3. The folder structure is based on 8.1, so that the known update solutions still apply.
For example, the 8.1 online loader from algeni can still be used!
Installed database/updates:
VW: 1341
Seat: 867
Skoda: 873
Audi: 1341
Commercial Vehicles: 1341

The validity period of the database/update status has been extended to over 15 years, so ETKA can also be started in a few months/years without "Data status has expired! Please update" message. But when applying new updates, the validity period is set to standard 40 days! You can also set it to the future with the installed online loader. The countries of the prices can also be changed with the online loader.

INFORMATION: Install the VMware player and run ETKA8.2-CT.vmx The default language for (ETKA + windows) is set to EN, however you can change it to other language when you open the ETKA program and have a menu at the top right.

Available languages: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Polish, Turkish, Hungarian, Chinese, Russian, Croatian, BR Portuguese, Slovenian, Romanian, Finnish.